Wedding Videography Blog

Welcome to our Wedding Videography Blog. While we specialize in creating amazing wedding films, we also enjoy creating all kinds of different content relating to wedding videography. Our blog is sub-categorized for your convenience with articles designed to help couples, other videographers or highlight some of our wedding films. Enjoy!

Understanding Wedding Videography - Part 5: Raw Vs Color Graded Footage
Further Understanding Dylan Paradis Further Understanding Dylan Paradis

Understanding Wedding Videography - Part 5: Raw Vs Color Graded Footage

If I asked you to describe a color to me, would you be able to do it? Really, think about it for a second. It is nearly impossible, and it makes my brain hurt to try. Yet, it is interesting that when you see a color, not only do you instantly recognize it, you will also often have an immediate reaction to it. There’s a reason why green is often associated with growth or nature, or why blue is so often associated with sadness.  Why is that? It is because subconsciously color makes us feel differently when we look at them.

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