Wedding Videography Blog

Welcome to our Wedding Videography Blog. While we specialize in creating amazing wedding films, we also enjoy creating all kinds of different content relating to wedding videography. Our blog is sub-categorized for your convenience with articles designed to help couples, other videographers or highlight some of our wedding films. Enjoy!

Wedding Day Overview: Part 5 - Reception
Wedding Day Overview Dylan Paradis Wedding Day Overview Dylan Paradis

Wedding Day Overview: Part 5 - Reception

Here we are at the final part of the day. Now (hopefully!) you can truly relax and enjoy the rest of your wedding night. Likely this will include a delicious dinner for you and your guests to enjoy. After or during dinner, there will be some speeches that may be emotional, funny, or maybe even a little awkward as you realize someone scribbled their speeches on a napkin seconds before heading up to the microphone (maybe even more so if their speech is filled with inside jokes only the bride or groom understand - but hopefully not!). Following the speeches, we get one of the best parts of the day – the dancing. For the last time in this series let me go over what I’m up to during the reception and my process of how I go about making all these moments last forever on video.

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Wedding Day Overview: Part 4 - Pictures/Posing
Wedding Day Overview Dylan Paradis Wedding Day Overview Dylan Paradis

Wedding Day Overview: Part 4 - Pictures/Posing

I would imagine for most couples, the feelings of happiness right after the ceremony would likely be close to what I feel after I see a baby goat frolicking through a meadow in any number of YouTube videos. Does it get better than that feeling? No, I don’t believe that it does. So as the couple leaves the ceremony, I and the photographer will undoubtedly scurry after them like a couple of mice who see a delicious piece of cheese on the horizon. We’re heading to the pre-chosen place to get your pictures/video work done. This could be at the reception hall or anywhere that looks pretty enough for a picture. So, let’s briefly get into what I, your videographer, am trying to accomplish during this time.

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Wedding Day Overview: Part 1 - Introduction
Wedding Day Overview Dylan Paradis Wedding Day Overview Dylan Paradis

Wedding Day Overview: Part 1 - Introduction

One common concern on many couple’s minds is that their videographer might be intrusive, cause them to feel awkward, or just generally be in the way on their day. So, a very frequent question that I get is “What does your process look like for the actual wedding day?” The couple would like an idea of where the videographer is going to be throughout the day, so they know what to expect.

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